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About the breed

Among the most agreeable of all small housedogs, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a
strong, athletic and lively little herder who is affectionate and companionable
without being needy.
At 10-12” at the shoulder and 27-30 lbs, a well built male Pembroke presents a big
dog in a small package.
Short but powerful legs, muscular thighs, and a deep chest equip him for a hard days
work. Built long and low, Pembrokes are surprisingly quick and agile.
They can be red, sable, fawn, and black/tan with or without white markings. The
Pembroke has a thick, weatherproof double coat with a soft light undercoat. The
breed sheds a fair amount on a daily basis , a daily once over with a comb and a
slicker brush will remove a lot of the shed hair before it’s all over the house. The
Corgi’s nails should be trimmed regularly and ears checked to be sure they are clean
and healthy.
The Pembroke is a bright, sensitive dog who enjoys play with his human family and
responds well to training. They are fearless and independent. They are vigilant
watch dogs, with acute senses and a “big dog” bark.
If you can meet their bold but kindly Pembroke’s need for activity and togetherness
you will never have a more loyal, loving pet.

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